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Masters in Resource Management
Starting in September 2025 we have two positions available through the highly regarded Masters in Resource Management (MRM) programme. Projects or theses are available relating to the research themes listed on the homepage. Project 1 - Peat Moisture Code modelling, interest in hydrological/fire modelling required. Project 2 - Impact of fuel management treatments on peatland carbon, interest in fieldwork is encouraged. Applicants should have a background in ecology, hydrology, conservation, forestry, wildfire and/or environmental science. Skills in GIS and programming are beneficial. A cover letter and CV should be submitted to Dr. Wilkinson relating to your preferred research project.
Beginning in 2025, there is an opening for up to two PhD students. Project 1 will assess the vulnerability of managed peatlands to wildfire using field, lab, and modeling methods. There will be the opportunity to investigate the effectiveness of FireSmart fuel modification treatments in a black spruce peatlands via a collaboration with the Canadian Forest Service. PhD Project 2 is in collaboration with CFS and the suppression aviation industry and will develop new methods in fire behaviour modelling. Applicants should have prior research experience such as an MSc or MRM. Strong analytical and writing skills, as well as proficiency in ecology, hydrology, soil science, wildfire science and/or biogeochemistry is preferred. Please note your interest via contacting Dr. Wilkinson directly including a cover letter and CV.
Research Assistant
If you’re an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Environment this could be the position for you! The group is currently full for the upcoming school terms but we are open to applications for summer field assistants. Preference will be given to students with prior field experience and/or an interest in conducting a small research project of their own via an independent study or Honours thesis. Research assistant positions can be summer or 1-2 terms in length and are a great way to learn new skills and get a taste for research. Research assistants will support ongoing projects through assistance with data collection (lab or field), GIS analyses, sample processing and the writing of scientific publications. If you have an interest in wildfire, forestry, or peatlands then reach out and let’s talk!